Friday, November 30, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Hope

Today is the last day in November. Not only can I believe that I have posted every day this month, but I am so glad that I decided to list 30 things that I am thankful for. I have felt a great appreciation for all that I have, and a deeper desire to give more. That may be what December holds for our family.

So with this last thankful post for the month of November, I am thankful for...


Having hope is such a tremendous gift. Hope for the future, hope for those you love and hope for yourself. Hope is one of the things that drives us to do everything we do, the best we can while we are here on this earth. Hope means never giving up. So I hope you all can have great hopes for your life and the lives of others.

Much Love,

Misguided Maiden

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Color

This makes me so happy. Today I am thankful for...


I can't look at colors without smiling.

And I enjoy sharing my love of color with my son.

Creating through color can be so fun.

Misguided Maiden

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Faith

I was walking around the orchard one morning, feeding the chickens and watching my dog find the perfect spot; when I came upon a tiny walnut. Most of the walnuts we got to pick this year were of normal size and some medium size. This one was probably the smallest one I had seen yet.

I put the walnut in my pocket and somehow it made its way into my purse. I am not quite sure why I have kept it for so long until today. When I realized what it represented to me... Faith. And that is what I am thankful for today....


Faith is like a tiny seed (this walnut for example). It needs the proper nourishment to grow and flourish. This little seed has the potential to turn into a beautiful walnut tree, if nourished properly.

Faith is a gift. To have faith in something, someone or yourself is an amazing thing. we have all experienced faith and the joys that come from it. What I love about faith is that it transforms the soul. Faith also comes before the miracle.

And miracles happen everyday.

Misguided Maiden

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I Am Thankful For... A Good Laugh

Laughter is such a wonderful and infectious thing. And thats why, today I am thankful for...

A Good Laugh.

You know the kind of laugh I am talking about. The one where it takes a GOOD WHILE to function. The kind that makes you cry or pee you pants. I always feel so good; so full after a laugh like that.

Truthfully, I am not sure what life would be like without laughter. It is amazing what it does to the soul. I can be a bit of a prankster and I have a fairly random thought process, which has produced a great deal of laughter over the years.

So keep laughing and having fun! Becuase this life is too short to be too serious.

Misguided Maiden

Monday, November 26, 2012

I Am Thankful For... My Senses

Hear, Smell, See, Taste and Touch. Today I am thankful for...

My Senses

I was on my lunch break at work today and I spotted this little happy flower. It reminded me just how blessed I am to have all my senses available to me. With them I am able to truly enjoy this beautiful earth we live on.

My world is built upon my senses. I can not image not having one of them. So enjoy those senses and take good care of them!

Misguided Maiden

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Conversation

Thanksgiving was a great holiday. It reminds me of something else I am thankful for...


It is so great to connect with people through conversation. Conversation can be a way for others to catch up on things, or sharing common interests. It can also be a place to share ideas and to learn from others.
So whether it is an in-person chat, a phone call or a letter. Find a way to connect through conversation. You will be thankful that you did.

Misguided Maiden

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I Am Thankful For... My Camera

What would I do without this sweet baby you see below. I am thankful for...

My Camera

I love to take pictures. I may not be as awesome as pro photographers but I have a passion for capturing life and nature on digital film. There is something to be said for capturing little details on film; that when you look back on them, you are instantly taken back to that moment. My camera has captured so many events that I never want to forget. 

So grab a camera and capture your moment.

Misguided Maiden

Friday, November 23, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Fruit

I could also say that I am thankful for vegetables...but lets be honest here. I am thankful for...


So delicious and so many varieties. If I could try all the fruits in the world I would be one happy lady! Since it is fall, these babies occupy most of my time. That and the canned peaches and apricots and the jams made to flavor my yogurt in the mornings.

Fruit is good for you! So take a bit and savor in all that tastiness.

Misguided Maiden

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Journals

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Today will be hectic, but fun. I will post pictures soon when we journey back to our home. In the meantime I can write the memories down. Today I am thankful for...


I can't remember when I started writing in a journal. I believe I was six years old and I was given my first little journal with a lock on it and I wrote little stories about my rock friends and planting seeds in the garden with my mom.

I don't write as often as I did in my teen years but I do get down some important events on paper. Mostly these days I write letters to my son, so that someday he may get a little insight on his mother. Maybe, after he reads them I will be admitted into psychiatric care.

It is such a gift to look back on the things I have written down. Often times I shake my head and laugh; but I enjoy remembering how I felt as a youth. The vunerability, the humdrum of the day and the great stories I never want to forget. A journal is a treasure. 

It is never to late to put pen or pencil to paper. Save a little history for your ancestors. Or at least save a few funny stories for laughs when you get at then end of life.

Misguided Maiden

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Love

Happy Thanksgiving! Today I am thankful for...


Love is one of the most beautiful parts of human existence. It is the inspiration of many things, it is what keeps us pushing forward when all seems lost, it is the key to our very souls. Love is the greatest gift, the greatest wish, the greatest thing on this earth. I don't know what life would be like without it.

So on Thanksgiving day today, give thanks by giving love. Serve someone, give a hug or a warm smile. make that phone call, don't wait. Share your love with others and make this day great.

Misguided Maiden

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Socks

I like to have my feet comfortable. I mean I only get two I better keep them happy! So socks are an essential item that keeps my feet happy. One that I am very thankful for.


I can remember as a kid, turning my grippy socks inside out and pretending to skate around the wood flooring in one of our houses. My little brother and I would have races and try crazy stunts on our made up "skates." And making cool sock puppets? Come on...we all did that as kids! But mostly I like that they keep my feet toasty warm on cold winter nights.

So slip on some socks and enjoy!

Misguided Maiden

Monday, November 19, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Clean Water

To drink, to bathe, to wash, to feed. I am thankful for

Clean Water

I feel so blessed to live in a country where clean water is readily accessible. Truly blessed. Water is life. Our bodies need it to live and it is the cause of so many wonderful and destructive things. Water is beautiful and cleansing. I hope that someday very soon everyone can be blessed to have clean water accessible to them.

Misguided Maiden

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Hard Work

 I remember when we first moved into our new home it seemed like a daunting task. going from probably a eighth of an acre to 5 acres, a walnut orchard and a huge home of our own that needed plenty of fixing of its own, and a newborn! Yikes! Then I got the crazy idea to accept a bunch of free chickens, which lead to the rolling up of our sleeves and getting to work, HARD WORK. And that is what I am thankful for today...

Hard Work

Hard work can be almost anything, except it can't be easy. At that moment it was my husband and I digging in the dirt, leveling the posts and building our new chickens a safe and secure chicken run. The next day I was super sore but so happy with the effort that was put in by the two of us. There is a joy in completing a difficult task. especially when so much effort was put into it.

So roll up your sleeves or hit the books and study, because all that hard work can really pay off.

Misguided Maiden

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Time

Until I had David I did not realize how fast it all goes by. The changes, the experiences, the lessons, the growth. Today I am thankful for...


I have realized that it is the one thing of value in this life. There is only so much time in a day/ time in ones life. It is the most precious thing on this earth and what we choose to do with our time is up to each of us. 

With my little family, every decision seems to be related to time. Its seems like there is never enough; but I am trying to learn how to savor each second of my time in this life. Having David around has helped me to remember a bit of how I felt as a child. How time seemed to slow in the "moments." If I can do that it may be the closest I get to living forever.

Savor your time.

Misguided Maiden

Friday, November 16, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Glasses

I can vividly remember, when I was about 6 years old, sitting in the back of the classroom and realizing that I could not see what the teacher wrote on the chalkboard without squinting my eyes. This began my shame for the horrid glasses that I had to wear back then. However, without them there are so many things that I would have not been able to I am thankful for...


I guess you could really add contacts to the mix but I guess I am more thankful for glasses today as they have gotten cuter from my childhood years. I am a very visual person so glasses are essential for me to learn and grow. I don't know what my life would be without them. They are my tool to see everything and every detail.

So thank you to whoever invented glasses and to all my amazing eye doctors over the years.

Misguided Maiden

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Chapstick

Like to have soft and non-chapped lips? I do. That's why I am thankful for...


This chap-stick is my favorite brand. A brand that my husband turned me onto; and it has ingredients that I can actually understand! It keeps my lips smooth and soft for kissing my husband or my sons soft baby face. Plus the smell of mint on my lips makes me happy. And happy is good!

Misguided Maiden

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Fire

Hot hot hot! Today I am thankful for...


Fire is such a huge part of human growth. Fire was survival. Today it still is. Last night my husband made me a nice fire to rest next too. I felt so calm and comforted by those flames. Its as if fire brings some sort of connection to my ancestors. Those who sat around fires well into the night, telling stories and making plans. I look forward to a time when we can take our son camping and enjoy the company and safety of a camp fire. In the meantime I will snuggle up next to my little family and enjoy the warmth of our fireplace fire.

Misguided Maiden

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Naps

I am thankful for something that can recharge me on rough days, helps to heal me when I am sick and provides for some wiggle room in the day to have fun. I am thankful for...


Above you can see my son, asleep before he even got to the best part of his book! Sometimes a good day outdoors can conk you out. Naps are essential at times and can make you feel oh so much better. I don't get to do them too often these days...which is why each opportunity to have one is a blessing. 

Sleep Tight!

Misguided Maiden

Monday, November 12, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Vacations

A little catchup at home today so I am posting this one later in the day. But with the hectic week today I am thankful for...


It is so important to take sometime to get away from the things of our daily lives. Whether it is embarking on new adventures down the street or a long plane ride away... vacations provide us the "reset" we need to get back into the swing of things. Often times we return with a new perspective. So I am thankful for vacations and that I get to take them every now and then.

So come sail away.

Misguided Maiden

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Salsa

Now today I could of gone for the general "food" category; but I felt pulled to be particularly thankful for salsa today. Especially when that salsa is freshly made! I mean...that is a tasty snack! Salsa can be put on top of almost any meal to make it "magic" in someway. And its healthy! Can't beat that!

Salsa making (and eating) has many good memories tied to it. Making salsas with family and friends has always  been a fun and enjoyable experience. I don't think there was one time where salsa was made and someone was upset. 

So make a little salsa and enjoy it with a Veteran today! Happy Veterans day to all those who have served this country. Its because of you that I can enjoy my blessings even more.

Misguided Maiden

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I Am Thankful For... My Country

America is still a place where so much opportunity is available to anyone willing to work hard at chasing there dreams. I read so many inspiring articles of young people working to make a real difference through their ideas and their hard work. So today I am thankful for...

My Country.

I am also mindful for all those who have sacrificed for this country so that it may thrive. It is becuase of them that I am able to achieve my dreams. So I hope I can return the favor, and give back to my community and to my country through serving others. I hope that you will find that inspriartion to serve as well.

With Love,

Misguided Maiden

Friday, November 9, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Blankets

Today I am recovering from a stomach bug so today I am super thankful for...


I have so many great memories where blankets have been the key accessory. My little brother and I rolling up ourselves into burritos as kids, long conversations under the covers with my husband, and fun and tickles under the covers with my son.

There is something about a blanket that makes us feel secure. It gives us warmth and comfort; and I swear a blanket has healing powers. Speaking of blankets, there are many people affected by hurricane Sandy that could use a warm blanket right now. Find a nice soft one at the store and send it over to help in the relief effort, or donate to the red cross.

Stay warm

Misguided Maiden

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Music

Want to put me in a good mood? Play some fun music. Taking a long road trip with no company to chat with? Pop in some good tunes. Play the piano guitar or any other instrument? get a group together and play for fun. Because its all about the...


I love the way music can make me feel. whether I am down or feeling amazing a good song can get me through the moments (I also have my own PMS track). These days, when music is playing in our house it usually means that my husband, myself and our son are usually dancing (very animated dancing, mind you) around the house together.

It is also a huge lifesaver on late night car trips with my son. Play some violin solos and he is out!

So put on some tunes and enjoy the moment your in.

Misguided Maiden

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Books

I love to read. It expands my imagination and it builds my confidence in writing and speaking.

Plus it has been such a pleasure sharing my love of reading with my son. We make sure to read everyday, with at least three books read each night. It is amazing to see the benefits of his growth in speech and expression, just through the daily dedication of reading.

So pick up a book! I promise you will find the same joy in it as this family does.

Much Love,

Misguided Maiden

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Friendships

Day 6 of the thankful project here at Misguided Maiden and today is something that I just can't imagine living without.


Friendships are the glue in life. They hold you together.

No matter what stage in life you are in, no matter what is going on in your life, a friend will always be there for you; to bring you balance and perspective. I have a few friends that I can't imagine not being a part of my life or what my life would be without them. That includes these girls you see here. We have known each-other since I was 10 and gosh...

I think you could write a book about our craziness!

But through all the craziness there is lots of joy and laughter.

So thank you to my friends, who I love dearly (this post also made me realize that I need to take more pics with my friends!).

Misguided Maiden

Monday, November 5, 2012

I Am Thankful For... Nature

I am five days into my thankful project for the month of November and I am already feeling very full of gratitude. Which brings me to what I have chosen for today.


I don't know about you but when I am outside, exploring nature I feel a connection to something intimate. I can't describe what it is but nature can bring on a profound sense of peace in me.

Nature can be both simple and complex.

And nature can be powerful.

But most of all. Being outside brings the kid out in all of us.

Lets go exploring!

Misguided Maiden

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Am Thankful For ... Family

As I take this month to reflect on all the things I am thankful for, one thing that I am absolutely thankful for is family. A family builds a strong foundation from which anything can grow. What I love about family is that it can come from anywhere (blood family or a family you make through friends). A family gives you strength, courage and the knowledge that someone out there is always loving you and has your matter what.

This picture was taken on Thanksgiving day, 2004 with some of my female cousins (there I am next to my abuela on the left) and my grandparents a month before my grandmother passed away from cancer. My abuelo would join her a year later. I can't be sad about them passing because that loss is greatly outweighed by all the fantastic memories I have with them and with my family. Great days like this are seared into my memory. I have thousands of them including all those that I have added with my little family.

I hope you take the opportunity this month to reflect on your own blessings. 

Much Love,

Misguided Maiden

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I Am Thankful For.... My Animals

I have had the honor of having animals in the home since I was a young child. It was a wonderful lesson for me as a child; to learn how to care for your pets and take responsibility for them. However, the reward was far greater than the care that was provide to them. 

Pets have the ability to teach us unconditional love. 

I specifically remember as a child, when I was upset, my cat would always be there to lick away my tears and cuddle with me.

Animals also provide us with entertainment. They are quite the pranksters!

And when I got my first dog (Bammer above) I finally realized how it felt to be someone's entire world. 

I am posting things I am thankful for each day of this month. I hope you will join me.

With unconditional love....

Misguided Maiden

Friday, November 2, 2012

I Am Thankful For... My Son

To help myself reflect on all the blessings I have in my life  I am going to post a picture(s) a day of one person, place, thing, etc. that I am thankful for this month.
So for November 2nd I am thankful for...

My Son.

He the miracle in my life and puts things in a different perspective. I mean, how could anyone resist that smile?

I feel more creative than ever now that he is here. Seeing life through his eyes makes it that much more alive.

 And he makes me smile. Everyday.

Much Love,
Misguided Maiden

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I am Thankful for... My Husband

Today is November 1st and the month of Thanksgiving has begun. To help myself reflect on all the blessings I have in my life I am going to post one picture a day of one person, place, thing, etc. that I am thankful for.

So for November 1st I am thankful for...
My Husband

Before I met Sean I was an incredibly insecure person who lived a rather sheltered life. I am thankful for the perspective and the balance he brings to my life. He has helped me to determine who I am and what I want to be. He inspires me and most importantly, he challenges me. 

And without him I would not have David. It took our two personalities to come up with our little guy.

So take the challenge with me and post on your blog, Facebook, twitter, journal, Instagram or any other program you use and think of one thing you are thankful for each day of this month.

Much Love

Misguided Maiden