Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Tent Life

So as usual I procrastinated until about five days before Christmas and finally decided that I would tackle the teepee in this book:

See that awesome tent on the cover? I wanted to make that for my son's Christmas gift. 

And wouldn't you know... in true fashion I had tackled a bit too much in too little time. The book does provide you with a excellent list of the things you need, the dimensions to make your own pattern and instructions.

However, the instructions were a bit confusing at times. But I began to understand the sewing language a bit more (still fairly a newbie sewer here) and I got my bearings and pushed on.

Sometimes I thought to myself. "I have to do what?!!?" and "Why do I do this every year!"

But as I neared the finish line I thought...I can do this! 

Then my first mistake was made. A mis-measure which you can see is beautifully covered up with the fabric above. A pretty detail added to an oops. None will be the wiser!

The funniest part about this sewing journey was that I was about 99 % done when the timer on my sewing machine went wonky. Since it was Christmas eve and I live in a small town there was no sewing machine repair person to take on my emergency. So technically my son got this gift on the 27th of December. 

He LOVED It! Thank you Meg from Sew Liberated! I learned a-lot and gained confidence in my sewing and bias tape making abilities. It is so great to see my son enjoy a creation of my own hands. 

Unfortunately, I have not learned my lesson regarding last minute sewing since I just sewed a baby gift hours before the baby shower. GAH!

Much Love,

~ Misguided Maiden

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