Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Misguided Maiden Adventure with a side of Yum

So last time I was tinkering away on Misguided Maiden I was in a completely different place than I am now! It still boggles the mind how much can change in two years.

Two years ago I was enjoying time with this little guy...

Now this little guy is four! Yikes! When did that happen?

Two years ago I left a secure job for great job with a whole new set of adventures at this place...

Earthbound Farm
 Twelve months ago my family and I decided to do something crazy...like sell our house and leave our jobs crazy to move from here...

to here...

In the midst of that decision and after we put our house up for sale we found out we were having these...

Oh my indeed.

Since then those wee rascals are now getting big...

And now I have the pleasure of spending my days with them and him...

I also get to make this!

So I have two versions of making this one I made a few days ago that turned out to be longer and more tedious that I thought it would be... but I am stubborn and I was determined to make it delicious. I will share the difficult version with you in another post for all your purists out there.

But for those of you who are just semi purist...who also like their free time to be filled with other things then blending a million mangoes this recipe will be just for you.

It will quench your thirst on the thirsty days of summer.

So go ahead and pour your self a glass...

Or five.

Watermelon mango lemonade


Half of a large watermelon diced

2 cups of water

one container of simple mango lemonade

Start by blending your diced watermelon in your blender with your water until smooth.

strain out all of the fibers and seeds till you are left with just the watermelon juice.

You could stop here and you would have watermelon agua fresca but lets continue before you are too tempted.

Add your watermelon agua fresca to your mango lemonade, stir and serve over ice.

then kick back, relax, enjoy your beverage and try to share.

                                                                                                              Buen Provecho!

~Misguided Maiden

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